Maple Cotton Candy Basics

Maple cotton candy in a plastic tub

I have said it many times when people ask me about how we came up with making maple cotton candy; you never now what direction your life will take you in! At no point did I ever think that we would not only own an industrial cotton candy machine, but that we’d spend so much time making it as the product has been extremely popular! Full disclaimer - we are far from pioneers in making maple cotton candy, but I believe it is a product that many local producers aren’t producing so that has driven demand for the sweet treat!

We get asked quite a bit how we make the maple cotton candy. The recipe is quite simple; organic cane sugar and pure maple sugar! The cane sugar has be be added to the maple sugar in order to facilitate the “flossing” of the sugar that makes the cotton candy texture that we all know and love. The maple sugar gives the candy its maple taste and distinctive “amber” color. That’s it, nothing more is added!

The equipment to make maple cotton candy is slightly different than a standard commercial cotton candy machine as the heating elements need to get hotter in order to melt the maple sugar. We use Gold Medal equipment and they can help with any technical machine questions you may have.

Above is a great video from Danna at Spun Paradise talking about using our pure maple sugar to make maple cotton candy! We are so happy to share our products with people (and businesses) from across the world and it is great to have like-minded folks sharing in the joy of simple treats! Her comments in the video are still making us blush!

If you have gotten this far you likely need to get some maple cotton candy to try for yourself! You can hop over to our virtual farm stand and order up as we make to order and ship world-wide! Click the link HERE to head over there.

We are quickly moving into another maple season, but our intention is to keep publishing more informative articles here so check back often and if there is a topic you’d like us to cover send us an email or reach out on our CONTACT page as we’d love to hear what you are wondering about!


If there is a way to automate, streamline, or perhaps even over-complicate a simple system, this is your guy! Jonathan is thrilled to share his first-hand experiences and knowledge from our homesteading experience. Click the picture to see more of his articles and the link to see his photography work.

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